

Our Story

Excited by new foods and adventurous flavours, Major Joy was founded by three friends who are so-called ‘foodies.’ Having travelled around over 25 countries between them, the founders of Major Joy really do bring the experience of diverse cultures to the table.

And their shared love? Fried Chicken. But who doesn’t love fried chicken? What our three friends discovered though, is that there’s a real limit to flavour and there’s only so much ‘classic’ you can stomach. For most fried chicken chains, ‘classic’ and ‘spicy’ is where your options end. But have you ever wondered how many more flavours there are out there that could seriously vibe with chicken?

Located in Surrey in the stunning province of British Columbia in Canada, Major Joy truly is a friends and family run enterprise – founded by friends and supported by family.

And that care and attention expand to the quality and treatment of their ingredients too. Part of Major Joy’s mission is to use fresh, high-quality ingredients. All of their chicken is fried in Canola oil (100% lard-free) and the crust is crispy and flakey. Out dessert range is handcrafted and is sweetened with dates and raw sugar cane with no added processed sugar. Being environmentally conscious, Major joy sets out to maximize their compostable and green packaging too. So at every stage of your Major Joy experience, whether you fancy Lemon Pepper, Tandoori Fried Chicken or Major Hot, you’ll know that your food is freshy, delicious and delightfully flavourful!

major joy surrey bc
yam fries
fried chicken sandwich burger

Want to call or visit us?

You can reach us at:

13588 88 AVE, Surrey
BC, Canada
Phone:  604 503 8848